Chocolate cake DELUXE

Dennis fyllde år i veckan och då tänkte jag inte hålla igen minsann. Slog på stort och bakade en tårta med extra ALLT! Och den var helt otroligt god! Tänker inte vara egoistisk utan delar med mig av receptet så får ni testa själv, lovar att ni inte kommer bli besvikna.
Made a cake to Dennis on his birthday, a chocolate deluxe cake! And it was totally AMAZING!
What you need:
- Cake base with chocolate flavor
- Nutella
- Vanilla Cream
- Cream
- Daim (5 pack) - only think you can get daim in Sweden, so you can take normal chocolate instead
- Nobless
Topping (optional):
- Kinder and Kinder Maxi
- Fingers
- Oreo
How to do:
1. Mix nutella and cream so the nutellan isn't to thick and tough. I took about 3 large spoons with nutella and mixed up with twice as much cream, in short: it should be easy to spread the mixture over the cake base.
2. Apply the middle layer of the cake base.
3. Mix together vanilla cream and spread it out.
4. Crush 5 daim package (or chocolate bar) and mix it into the rest of the cream, take 1/4 of the cream and smear it out.
6. Break nobless pieces and sprinkle it out before the last layer of cake base is putted on.
5. Mix cocoa into the cream and smear it over the cake in an even layer.
6. Top it with optional toppings, I chose fingers, roughly chopped oreo cookies, kinder, kinder maxi and nobless.
Kul me recept :)